Why Fortnite Is What the Metaverse Should Have Been

A few weeks back  I was spending time with my brother, eyes glued to a screen, watching stand-up comedy. Now, this wasn’t your regular comedy club setting, but rather a digital pre-recorded set within Fortnite, the record-breaking battle royal shooter game by Epic Games. 

The four Comedians you could choose from in Fortnite comedy

These performances are completely animated, displaying 3D versions of comedians doing complete shows in Fortnite that you could sit down and watch together with your mates. 

The stand-up might not have been the best we’ve seen (it featured some of the most tame jokes ever that won't even make a toddler chuckle)  but it underscored a fascinating evolution: Fortnite is steadily morphing into an online universe for more than just gaming. My friends, Fortnite is setting itself up to be the real Metaverse. 

Metaverse? Noo Zuck, not agaaaaaaai-

The term "metaverse" has been circulated with increasing frequency, promising an interconnected digital universe where the user can live a second life online. In this experience they embody a persona that is completely separate from their physical selves. Visionaries like Mark Zuckerberg are banking on this innovation occurring sooner than later. 

"The metaverse will be a collective project that extends beyond a single company. It will be a virtual environment where you can be present with people in digital spaces" - Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg Zucking

That's Zuck speaking. Yet, as grand as these visions are, it's platforms like Fortnite that are truly paving the way for this new digital era. Not Zuck’s low framerate, minimal interaction VR hellscape called “Horizon worlds” in his idea of the Metaverse.

Habbo hotel

For those of us who remember the craze of Habbo Hotel, the concept of living a parallel digital life isn’t new. Back then, pixel art design rooms were all the rage, and virtual furniture could fetch thousands of euros. It was a digital economy and social hub, pioneering what many imagined the metaverse would one day become.

Habbo hotel

Fortnite began as a mere battle royale game but has evolved into something much more significant. It's a place where millions gather not just to compete but to socialize, attend concerts, and now, even enjoy stand-up comedy. What sets Fortnite apart is its relentless innovation and willingness to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds.

Lego x Fortnite collaboration

Take, for example, the recent collaboration between Fortnite and LEGO. They're not just creating digital LEGO sets to play with in-game but are exploring ways to bring these digital creations to life. This initiative blurs the lines between digital play and physical play, reinforcing the idea that the metaverse isn't a far-off dream, but that the reality of it is just around the corner. 

As someone who experienced Habbo Hotel first-hand, I can't help but feel a bit old seeing how far we've come. It is exciting to watch platforms like Fortnite or Roblox lay the groundwork for what the metaverse was always meant to be: a comprehensive, immersive online space where the only limit is your imagination.

The next 5 years are going to be crazy.

Try it out.exe

So, perhaps it is time to revisit our preconceived notions of what the Metaverse can be. If you’ve been on the fence about diving into Fortnite, let this serve as your nudge to download it and see for yourself. The possibilities, as they say in the metaverse, are endless.